Psychedelic Society of India
To promote safety, information and responsible use of psychedelic compounds on human consciousness – to support healing, personal growth and the evolution of culture

Psychedelic Society
of India
Mission & Purpose

Campaigning for Access

Community & Events
Join The Tribe
We all work as volunteers, No leaders or Founders, Self Guidance Society that allows open access to knowledge & each member can contribute in their own manner. Each member has unique perspective & history with varied skillets. Regular group meetings on ground & online, we aim to have an open society aimed at manifesting a future of Love, Safety & Shanti
Decriminalization using evidence based changes to reduce negative consequences of prohibition-based on health, harm reduction, cost effectiveness and human rights.
Reduction of prison/jail costs and population size.
Liberate enforcement resources for more appropriate use. Eg Public health
Grant appropriate use of psychedelics for mental health issues, reducing the need for prescription drugs with addictive and harmful side effects.
Indian Entheogenic Research

Somaa is an NGO based on Research & Integration of Entheogentic / Psychedelic Plants based in India.
Our Mission is to Research & Educate on Entheogenic Plants with Ayurveda and their Integration into Mental Health of Society & Growth of Human consciousness

Counselling & Therapy
We provide various therapeutic & Counselling sessions.
Private One on One Safety & Integration sessions
Counselling on Mental Health & Depression
Therapy offered by Partnered Organisations
We bring people together and build the public understanding of psychedelics through hosting a wide range of events including talks and film screenings.
Allows an open discussion on psychedelics & Community sharing & support
Educational talks by members & their respective projects
Public Screening of Films &
Group Integration sessions on a monthly basis.
Mental Health & Depression group counselling sessions

Knowledge &
Latest News on Research in India & around the globe on Psychedelics & pantheon of knowledge over the last decade that would help educate those of the usages of Psychedelics
Movies - Documentaries
Open Source Knowledge Bank
Latest News